
Showing posts from November, 2011

Falling In Love - Can Your Waistline Handle It?

Falling in love is a wonderful thing, but although there are many things wonderful about being in love with that perfect someone, there are still a few drawbacks. Going on long, romantic walks through the park can be wonderful, or even going for a bike ride across the country can be a lot of fun, and a great way to bond with your special someone while getting some much needed exercise. Unfortunately, not everything you do with your significant other is going to be something that helps you to burn extra calories. Almost anyone who has ever been in love knows that the constant dinners at various restaurants can start to take its toll on your waistline. And once you start gaining a few pounds, chances are that you will find it harder, and harder to find clothes that fit. Here is a funny video featuring stand up comic Alfonso Ochoa. In this video, Alfonso talks about his relationship with his girlfriend, and how gaining weight has made it more difficult for him to find clothing that fi...

Standing In Line - Ninja Style

This is a kind of crazy video brought to you by Ask A Ninja. If you are familiar with these videos, you already know that these videos feature a ninja that answers questions that are sent in. This week's question is about what a ninja does when they have to stand in a line. Do they wait patiently in line behind the velvet rope , or do they use their stealth to move to the front of the line without anyone noticing. Actually, I think that ninja's would be much better for crowd control purposes than a barricade. Barricades are great for keeping a crowd in a straight line, but a ninja would be much better at making sure that people don't get too rowdy while waiting in line. Man in line starts yelling at the person at the front for taking too long? Ninja Death Touch #5 to the rescue!

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