Wheel of Fortune Bonus Round Quick Solve - Luck or Fixed?

Wheel of Fortune Bonus Solve -RedGage.com/Funstuff If you have ever watched Wheel of Fortune on television you know how difficult it can be to solve the main puzzles. There are three people all competing to try and solve the puzzle before their competitors are able to do so. There is usually a lot of money at stake (or at least a nice prize at stake) so it makes sense that everyone is giving it their best shot at solving as many puzzles as possible in order to go on to the bonus round.
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Solve -RedGage.com/Funstuff
Once someone makes it to the bonus round, the situation changes dramatically. Instead of competing against two other people, it is now just you, and you alone who must face the puzzle. The good news is that you not only get five consonants and one vowel, once those have been revealed then you get a chance to choose three more consonants and another vowel.
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Solve -RedGage.com/Funstuff
But what do you do when after the first go around with revealed letters you only get two letters revealed, and with the second go around there are NO LETTERS REVEALED?!?!?!?
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Solve -RedGage.com/Funstuff
This would seem like a dire and almost impossible situation to overcome. But not for Emil! He had done really well on the other puzzles on the show so far, so it came as little surprise that he would solve this one. But even Pat Sajak was in utter disbelief when Emil was able to solve such a long puzzle with just two letters shown.
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Solve -RedGage.com/Funstuff
Was Emil extremely lucky...

Wheel of Fortune Bonus Solve -RedGage.com/Funstuff
or was this fixed?

Wheel of Fortune Bonus Solve -RedGage.com/Funstuff
Take a look at the video clip of the show, and let your opinion be known!


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