questions for patrick and woman at food bank

Questions for Patrick

What lead you to get involved with doing motorcycle stunts?

What is your favorite motorcycle stunt to do? Why do you like it so much?

What kind of stunts seems to excite the crowd the most?

What is it like to ride your motocycle while on fire?

What was the hardest stunt for you to learn and why?

What do you love most about doing your motorcycle stunts?

What is your most memorable stunt show?

What is your most favorite place to go to do a stunt show and why?

What is one of the most scariest moments while doing your stunts?

What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about motorcycle riders?

What excites you most about doing motorcycle stunts?

What do you want your fans to get out of coming to your stunt shows?

What is the most rewarding thing about doing these stunts?

What is the most rewarding thing about doing stunt shows?

What is it about doing the motorcycle stunts that makes you feel most alive?

What is it about doing the stunt shows that makes you feel most alive?

What is the one thing you wish you knew before you started doing motorcycle stunts?

What is your most embarrassing moment doing motorcycle stunts?

What is your most embarrassing moment during a stunt show?

What do you do to prepare for your stunt shows?

When you are not doing motorcycle stunts, what else are you really passionate about?

What kind of legacy do you want to leave in the world of motorcycle stunt riding?

Questions for Woman With Food Bank

How did you get involved with your charity?

Why do you call it “Such and Such”?

Why do you wear the different costumes at your charity events?

What makes you so passionate about this cause?

What do you love most about working with the people that benefit the most from your charity?

What do you love most about working with the people within the charity?

What has been your biggest hurdle to overcome with working with this charity?

What do you love most about working with this charity?

What would be your “dream come true” for this charity?

What excites you most about working with this charity?

What do you want most for people to understand about the importance of this charity?

What kind of things do you do to get yourself motivated?

What is the most rewarding thing about working with this charity?

If you could have a super power for a day, what would it be?

What is it about working with this charity that makes you feel most alive?

What is your most memorable experience with working with this charity?

What is your most memorable charity event?

What is the most important thing to you about working with this charity?

What is the one thing you wish you knew before working with this charity?

What is your proudest moment working with this charity?

What would you like to do, or like to see how happen to help extend the reach of the impact of your charity?

What kind of legacy or lasting impression do you hope to leave on the world?


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