Getting it All Together

I appreciate the guest post, Jamie Guy

Planning my wedding has been wayyyy more of a hassle than I ever imagined it would be and my event is actually going to be pretty “small” compared to many of my friends. I can’t believe that an event for 75 people could be considered small but that’s the way the cookie crumbles in wedding world! My parents are very supportive and even got me for my house so I could watch all my wedding shows and I know my mom’s just happy to finally be in on the planning since I’ve got three brothers. Who would have guessed it would take me into my early thirties to get engaged when I was always the one planning on having kids right out of college? Oh well, I guess it’s like they say and it’s better late than never if you know what I mean! My mom says she never had any doubt Paul and I would get married but I don’t think anyone did since we’ve been dating for ten years!


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