PancakeBot - The World's First Pancake Printer

PancakeBot The Worlds First Pancake Printer

If you have ever wanted to make some really unusual looking pancakes, but didn't have the time to carefully move your arm so that you could make designs while pouring the batter, then you will definitely want to check out the PancakeBot!

PancakeBot The Worlds First Pancake Printer

This amazing device is the world's first pancake printer. Created by Miguel Valenzuela, this 3-D printer allows you to use pancake batter instead of plastic to make edible pancakes out of whatever design you upload into the printer's memory banks.

PancakeBot The Worlds First Pancake Printer

The project originally started out as a LEGO project, but eventually turned into a project involving a modified 3-D printer. Emanuel came up with the idea as a way to encourage his daughters and other children to get interested in science by being able to make really cool designs out of pancake batter using a 3-D printer.

PancakeBot The Worlds First Pancake Printer

The system is very easy to use. You just upload an image that you wish to use, trace the image, and upload the tracing into the printer's memory banks. Load your own pancake batter into the machine, and press start. The printer pours out the batter at various times onto the attached griddle in order to create amazing works of edible art.

PancakeBot The Worlds First Pancake Printer

Although this project was intended for children, there are many business applications as well. Sports teams could use this specially designed 3-D printer to make edible officially licensed pancakes that can be obtained at sports arenas across the country. Also, county fairs could easily make a lot of money selling pancakes made out of different designs.

PancakeBot The Worlds First Pancake Printer

For more information, check out the video below!

Maker Faire 2015: PancakeBot by PopSci


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