Tips On Choosing A Good Website Hosting Company

Choosing a good website hosting company can be difficult. There are many website hosting companies to choose from, and many don't really tell you much about their service in their ads. Most ads just have flashy people, or glittery scenery that can distract you from your real purpose - finding a reliable website hosting company that is both dependable and affordable. While it is important to find servers with the most competitive pricing, you may want to consider a website hosting company that has LiteSpeed technology hosting on 8-core Xeon (a special type of hosting that allows for backup of data). Here are a few tips on choosing the website hosting company that is right for you:

  • Check their track record Search the name of the company that you are considering in a few search engines, and see what comes up. Do not be immediately turned off if you see the word "scam" come up next to their name. Some affiliates will use the word "scam" in their review to help get their review to the top of the search engine rankings. Look for real reviews from real past customers, and see what they have to say about the company that you are considering utilizing.
  • Check if they have a payment plan Most companies will have you pay month to month, but some require that you pay a full year in advance, or even a deposit. If that want that much money upfront, then it is very important to make sure that they are a reputable company to work with.
  • Call their customer service to see what type of service you get Sometimes the reason that a company is very inexpensive is because they have extremely lackluster customer service. Give their customer service department a call, and ask a few questions to test what is their hold time, and see how you are treated when you call in for help.

On a more comedic note, here is a video from Marty Chang discussing computer tips:


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