Adjusting to homeowner life

Guest post written by Mike Welborn

Right now we're transitioning into being homeowners. It's so weird to think that now we're responsible for all the repairs and utilities around our house! Honestly, I kind of enjoyed not having those responsibilities before as a renter. But having our own place is going to be well worth all of that!

A lot of my friends who are homeowners warned us about how costs can easily add up, so we're trying to be really careful about that. I looked online to see if I could find some basic tips to start off with in regards to that. While I was looking online, I came across the site and after I read through it a little bit, it brought energy regulation to my attention. So we signed up for a energy price stabilization plan.

I even told my parents about it too and they're going to sign up for it. It definitely is reassuring to know that we know at least that part of our homeownerÕs costs will remain stable over the years, which IÕm sure will be the good exception.

Related terms: energy


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