Comedy Show - Call Center - PART 1

call center comedy

Here is a funny comedy about call centers. If you've ever worked at a call center, you know how crazy things can be when someone needs you to do something important, and you have limited resources at your disposal. Conversely, if you have ever had to call customer service, you will probably be dealing with a call center (a company that handles the customer service inquiries for another company).

In this episode, the customer is trying to watch the big fight, but his cable goes out, and now he has to call customer service to see what can be done. One of the big problems of dealing with call centers is the call center software. Your machine can be on fire, but the call center can still show everything operating at optimal capacity. Not a fun situation to be in.

Also, call center performance metrics tend to be centered around empirical numbers only, and not customer satisfaction, so if you helped the customer, but the call took five minutes, and you are suppose to keep the calls under three minutes, then you get in trouble. However, even if the customer has not been satisfied, and the problem is not fixed, so long as you keep the call under three minutes, the call center person gets to keep their job.

Regardless of which side of the coin you are on, I think you can relate to what happens in this video.


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