Local Search Optimization - Local Business Marketing - Things To Consider

local seo

If you own a site, you know how hard it can be to get ranked for a popular keyword, and how difficult local business marketing can be. Usually, if the keyword is popular enough, there are already so many other sites that rank well for it. If you have a large marketing budget you might be able to work to rank on the first or second page of the search engines for that particular keyword. On the other hand if you don't have a lot of money, and you want people to find your site, you may want to try a different approach. Instead of working towards ranking for generic keywords, it probably would be in your best interest to work towards ranking for locally targeted keywords.

Local SEO is the process of working to get your site ranked for keywords that are specific to a particular area. This differs to regular search engine marketing in that instead of trying to appeal to everyone across a particular country, you are just focusing on those in a particular city, or town. This helps to generate leads from people who would be very interested in your product or service.

This type of focused marketing also helps cut down on wasted marketing efforts. More often than not, ads are shown to people that not only have no interest in your product, or service, but are in a location that would make it almost impossible to gain access to what you have to offer. By focusing on just showing your ads to people that could actually take advantage of your offer, you minimize the possibility of wasting valuable marketing dollars.

Below is a video with some ideas on how to dominate local search results.


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