Personal training

Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell

I recently opened up a personal training studio, and I am using a new company for my business phone and internet. A friend had told me about it and I wanted to try it out to find out more about it. Although the economy has been tough as of late, I honestly believe that this business venture will work. I believe that there is a lack of effective one-on-one nutrition and training advice for those who want and need it. I am passionate about helping others to attain their goals, and I believe that I offer something that most other trainers do not. I am deeply invested in the success of my clients, and I work to provide a quality product at a reasonable price. The most important thing for me is to see my clients achieve their goals, whatever their goals may be. I am certified and have a bachelors degree in exercise science. I have always been a fitness enthusiast, and I spent four years in the corporate world before I decided to start my own business. I wasn’t happy working a job in corporate America. I felt few connections with people and little sense of accomplishment in my job. Personal training gives me both of these things.


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