Homeless Man With Golden Voice Saved By Social Media And Grace Of God

I was EXTREMELY happy when I came across this video. Earlier during the day I had came across the original video about the homeless man with the golden voice on Youtube. I felt really bad for him, and even sent an email to Tyra.com to see if maybe Tyra could do something to help this man get back on his feet. Within a few hours of writing that blog post, I came across a news article on Yahoo News that showed that the same man has indeed been given a job, and was making plans to go visit his mother back in New York. I am absolutely amazed at the power of social media. If the same story had ran on television, it probably would have been weeks (if ever) that the man would have gotten any help. Another example of the power of social media to push a news story to the forefront is the one regarding Antoine Dodson's sister being attacked in their home. Had that just ran on television, the news story would probably have never made it past the confines of their local area.

I am definitely happy for the homeless guy with the great speaking voice, and wish him the best at the second chance that he has been blessed to have been given to do something meaningful, and worthwhile with his life.


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